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Tired red haired man massaging nose feeling fatigue from work.

Simple Ways to Beat Fatigue

The Taste For Life Staff
This content originally appeared on 

Winter weather got you down? If you’re fighting the urge to hibernate, you’re not alone. Banish fatigue and get back in the game with these helpful tips.

Ways to Fight Fatigue

  • Eat Right for Energy

    When you’re in a slump it can be tempting to reach for high-sugar, high-carb fixes. What your body really needs is healthy foods like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, beans, and seeds.

    Start the day off right with a low-sugar, low-fat breakfast. Try this breakfast bowl. Be sure to eat regularly throughout the day to avoid energy peaks and troughs. Consider a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement if your diet is low in key nutrients.

    Snack Smart to Fuel Your Metabolism

    Experts recommend eating every three to four hours to fuel a healthy metabolism, so snacks have an important role to play in keeping energy levels stable throughout the day. The best choices combine protein and fiber-rich carbohydrates. Try these tasty combos:

    • Berries and yogurt
    • Carrots and cheese
    • Nuts and an apple
  • Stay Hydrated

    Dehydration is a common cause of fatigue. The best time to hydrate is before and during a workout, rather than after. A good rule of thumb: If you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.

  • Rest & Recuperate

    Making up your sleep deficit may help you get your energy back. Sleep debt can be repaid like a credit card balance—a little at a time. Sneaking in an extra 15 minutes a night will have you sleep-debt free in no time, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

  • Keep Calm

    Stress can worsen fatigue. To boost your energy, find ways to relax. Walking, yoga, or even taking several deep breaths can help.

    Stock up on adaptogenic herbs including ashwagandha and ginseng. These herbs help regulate mood and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

  • Try Mushrooms

    Medicinal mushrooms offer a host of energy-boosting benefits. Try reishi to stay alert and energized.

  • Exercise

    It may seem counterintuitive to exercise when you’re tired, but it’s a great way to boost energy. One study found that healthy, but sedentary, people can reduce their feelings of tiredness by 65 percent just by engaging in regular, low-intensity exercise. A 20-minute walk three times a week is a good start.